Employer Financial Support

Employer Financial Support

When undertaking a graduate degree as a working professional, it is helpful to have employer support. Depending upon your company and your situation, that support may be financial in nature, but can take other forms as well, such as offering time away from work for projects or experiential courses or the flexibility to work remotely or on an altered schedule so that you can engage even more deeply with campus activities.

As many as 1 in 3 working professionals get some level of support from their employer.

Financial support can come on a spectrum as well, from an employer fully sponsoring your studies to using training and development budget to pay for a particular course or to partially fund your graduate education.

If you want to pursue getting a graduate degree while you are a working professional, it can make your life a lot easier if you can get your employer’s support.  

This support can come in a variety of ways:

  • Financial assistance, for part or all of your graduate education
  • Allowing time away for work to accomplish school projects
  • Flexibility to work remotely
  • The option to work an alternate schedule
  • Offering experiential courses while on the job