Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some of our most commonly asked admissions questions.

Admissions Criteria

What is the minimum GMAT or GRE score requirement?

The UC Davis MBA Program does not have a minimum GMAT or GRE score requirement. GMAT and GRE scores are valid for five years and you may take the test as many times as allowed by the Graduate Management Admissions Council and ETS. We will use the highest score submitted when considering your application for admission. 

You may be eligible for a GMAT/GRE waiver for our Full-Time MBA program. Check your eligibility >

What is the minimum GPA requirement?

The UC Davis MBA Program requires a minimum 3.0 undergraduate grade point average or its equivalent if not a on 4.0 scale. Applicants can request an exception with their application for admission.

What prerequisite courses are required for admission to the UC Davis MBA program?

We do not require any prerequisite courses for admission. However, it is strongly recommended that you complete course work in accounting, calculus, economics and statistics prior to enrolling in the UC Davis MBA program, particularly if you do not have sharp quantitative skills or do not achieve a strong score on the quantitative section of the GMAT. In addition, it is strongly recommended that you are proficient in the use of various computer software including Microsoft Word and Excel.

Does the Admissions Committee favor certain undergraduate majors or recommend certain undergraduate courses?

No particular area of undergraduate preparation is required, but completion of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, or the equivalent is required. You must have completed 16 years of education in order to be eligible to apply to the UC Davis MBA program. 

Can I transfer units taken at another school to UC Davis to count toward my MBA?

Transferring units towards your UC Davis MBA varies from case to case. We examine each case on an individual basis.

A maximum of up to 36 quarter units from a University of California campus or eight quarter units from another university (non-University of California) campus can be applied toward the fulfillment of the GSM’s elective requirement. In order to qualify for transfer credits, the following criteria must be met:

  • Each course must be at a graduate or professional school level.
  • Each course must have been taken at an institution that is accredited by AACSB International and the student must have earned a minimum grade of B-. 
  • A course cannot have been used to satisfy a previous degree requirement.

Final review and approval of transfer units will be made by the Graduate School of Management Graduate Advisor, after admission to the program and upon request by the student.

What if I have an MBA from another institution?

If you have already completed an MBA degree you are not eligible for admission to the UC Davis MBA program. This University-wide academic policy was designed to prevent students from completing work that is a duplication of a previous degree.

Does the UC Davis MBA program grant admission deferrals?

Admission is for a specific entry date. However, deferrals are rare and granted on an individual basis. Requests for deferrals must be made in writing and are not guaranteed.