Your Career

The demand for newly trained accountants is strong and growing. Known for driving results in the workplace, innovative thinking and effective collaboration, Graduate School of Management alumni are in high demand.

Our STEM-designated program starts with a Meet the Firms event during orientation, a valuable opportunity to network with representatives from diverse accounting firms and companies to gain insight into the best potential match for your professional goals. 

In the MPAc program, you will strengthen your ability to build relationships, present yourself professionally and find the right path for rewarding employment. Whether you choose one of the Big Four accounting firms, a local CPA office, corporate accounting, government auditing, nonprofit work or another arena, we’ll help prepare you for a successful career. 

Class of 2023 Placement Report

Master of Professional Accountancy


Received Career Offers 6 Months Before Graduation 


Average Starting Salary

Big 4 Firms

Majority Placed at Big 4 Firms

Sample of Hiring Companies

  • PwC
  • Deloitte
  • EY
  • KPMG
  • Sensiba San Filippo
  • Campbell Taylor Washburn
  • Moss Adams
  • Eide Bailly
  • Apercen Partners
  • BDO
  • The Wanderlust Group