Career Support Services

You will work closely with our career development team to prepare for your professional advancement. We help you bridge your classroom experience with the global job market through a series of dynamic activities and workshops designed to help you develop the tools and resources to accelerate your career.

Meet the Firms

Our program starts during orientation with a Meet the Firms event, a valuable opportunity to network with representatives from diverse accounting firms and companies to gain insight into the best potential match for your professional goals.

Engage With Us

Participate in one-on-one and group sessions with our seasoned career counselors to assess your professional goals and develop a customized career strategy.

Maximize Opportunities

Make the most of on- and off-campus recruiter activities, company tours, career fairs and industry events.

Tap Into Our Powerful Alumni Network

Benefit from the Graduate School of Management’s deeply loyal and supportive alumni, who take time to mentor and assist you.

Present Yourself 

Learn valuable résumé, cover letter and interview strategies to effectively market yourself through our career and skill development workshops. These workshops are offered to help you acquire and hone skills needed to be successful, not only in today's competitive market, but also throughout your career.