Core Courses

Core Courses

You'll be prepared for a range of careers. You'll also learn how to effectively adapt to the challenges of a continually changing and increasingly competitive global business environment. Through our core courses you will build a foundation of basic knowledge and skills.

Financial Accounting

Introduces the concepts and objectives underlying the preparation of financial statements. Topics include understanding the accounting cycle, measurement and valuation problems associated with financial statement components, consideration of the usefulness of financial statements in the analysis of a corporation's operations.

The Individual and Group Dynamics

Examines basic psychological and social psychological processes shaping human behavior and applies knowledge of these processes to the problem of working with and managing others in organizations. Topics include: motivation, job design, commitment, socialization, culture, individual and group decision making and team building.

Organizational Strategy and Structure

Strategic management of organizations, including analysis of industries, firm resources and capabilities and corporate strategy. Strategy formulation, implementation and strategic decision-making. Firm and industry life cycles and change. Analysis of organizational design and structure including differentiation and integration.

Markets and the Firm

Examines the interaction of consumers, firms and government, and the effect this interaction has on the use of resources and firm profitability. Fundamental economic concepts such as marginal analysis, opportunity cost, pricing, and externalities are introduced and applied.

Data Analysis for Managers

Introduces statistics and data analysis for managerial decision-making. Descriptive statistics, principles of data collection, sampling, quality control, statistical inference. Application of data-analytic methods to problems in marketing, finance, accounting, production, operations and public policy. 

Marketing Management

Analysis of market opportunities, elements of market research, development of marketing strategies, market planning and implementations, and control systems. Consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotion and sales.

Financial Theory and Policy

Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing and dividend policy. 

Managing for Operational Excellence

Explores operations in manufacturing and service sectors from both inside and outside a company. Quantitative methods and their organizational implications are also examined.

IMPACT - Articulation and Critical Thinking + Integrated Management Project

Articulation and Critical Thinking  

Develop competency in business writing and oral presentations. Build critical thinking skills. Topics include behavioral economics, false claims, deductive and inductive reasoning, correlation/causality, business ethics.

Integrated Management Project

Applies classroom learning to solve complex business challenges for real world clients. Student teams learn practical consulting skills while their clients benefit from the student's experience, insights and work product.