Career Support Services

Through customized coaching and access to our powerful network of industry leaders, our MSBA career development team will help you create a personalized career roadmap that will further your strengths, abilities and skills, allowing you to achieve your professional goals.

We have a proven track-record of success. MSBA alumni are leading data-driven business transformations at companies that include Amazon, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Wayfair, Fitbit and more.

Customized Coaching

We have a robust team of trained professionals whose mission is to help you discover a career path that will both motivate you during your studies and best prepare you for a successful career after graduation.

Our customized coaching sessions will help you:

  • Unearth career interests and values
  • Realize your skills, strengths and talents
  • Elevate your communication effectiveness
  • Discover work environments that motivate you
  • Identify industries of interest
  • Solidify career goals.

We also offer interview preparation and assistance with negotiating new job offers. Plus, international graduates are eligible for a 36-month Optional Practical Training extension, which can be a powerful tool in helping those students secure employment in the United States after graduation.