Recruit and Hire Our Students

At the Graduate School of Management, we enroll students who are driven, intelligent, hard-working and committed to making a difference in their communities. By partnering with us, you will gain prime access to recruit and hire from this rich talent pool which is filled with individuals who are armed with the latest in leadership skills and business knowledge, and eager to make their mark in the business world.

Top 4 Reasons to Hire a UC Davis GSM Student

1. They make a positive impact on the world.

Grounded in putting theory into practice, our students bring a combination of innovation, collaboration and excellence to navigate change to your advantage and make a positive impact on the world.

2. They're innovative and prepared to take the lead.

Encouraging new ways of thinking and doing business is a hallmark of our community. The Graduate School of Management’s alumni are forward-thinking leaders, taught by internationally renowned faculty and honed by real-world experience. Their mentality is one step ahead. Their sights are focused on wherever you want to grow.

3. They focus on collaboration and know the right people.

Our team-focused approach inside and outside the classroom provides practical and innovative solutions for daily workplace challenges. UC Davis Graduate School of Management hires belong to a dedicated and far-reaching alumni network. They know how to build and motivate teams within the organization and access the right resources when you need them.

4. They provide excellence.

Our students are high achievers who are motivated to contribute their best.


Recruitment: Recommended Procedures

GSM-Managed Interviews (On-campus and Virtual)

The Career Development Office (CDO) will schedule interviews with the students on the employers’ behalf to find optimal times around the school calendar, as well as providing necessary details to both parties. GSM-managed interviews are ideal for efficiently interviewing multiple candidates. CDO must be notified if any changes are made after a schedule has been finalized by the employer.

On-campus: the employer will be provided with a complementary UC Davis parking pass and light refreshments.

Virtual: If desired, CDO will provide a Zoom link for the employer (with employer as host).

Recruiter-Managed Interviews

An organization hosting an interview off-campus must offer alternative date options. Students may not miss a class or any academic commitments for interviews, employer events, or related travel. Check with CDO for the most up-to-date class schedule as well as the academic calendar.

Hiring Procedures (Full-Time MBA)

Second-Year Students

Offers to second-year students can be made at any time. We recommend keeping an offer open for at least three weeks after the student receives the written offer. Second-year students who were summer interns must be given at least three weeks after receiving the written offer to respond.

First-Year Students

Offers made to first-year students must be open for at least two weeks after the student receives the written offer.

Longer time frames for considering an offer are acceptable.

Written and verbal offers are considered binding once given and should not be withdrawn. In case an offer must be withdrawn, we recommend contacting the Senior Director of Career Development.

UC Davis CDO facilities and services are available only to organizations that do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, citizenship status, military service, or disability.

International Recruiting

In the U.S., businesses are increasingly hiring international workers who have STEM degrees to help fill the shortage of qualified workers in STEM fields. Through this STEM classification, UC Davis MBA international students can qualify for an Optional Practical Training (OPT) Extension up to 36-months post-graduation to remain in the U.S. so they can receive training through work experience and establish their careers in STEM-related fields. Read more about general OPT rules and more about STEM-classified OPT degree rules.