Sponsor a Master of Science in Business Analytics Practicum Project

UC Davis is home to one of the top Master of Science in Business Analytics programs in the U.S. and one of the top programs of its kind in the world. You can connect your company to this highly ranked program by becoming a sponsor of an the MSBA practicum project.

As UC Davis MSBA practicum project sponsor, you will be given prime access to a team of our hard-working, skilled and professional MSBA students and a UC Davis faculty advisor who will work with you on solving your complex data analytics challenges. Through this one-year course, our team will present recommendations to you and your company.

Our MSBA student teams have a proven track record of success. More than 80% of our clients adopt or implement our student teams’ solutions and recommendations.

“This is all about new innovation...I couldn’t be happier. I have been impressed with the caliber of the Master of Science in Business Analytics students who came to Schwab and their willingness to come in and understand our business.”

- Jackie Chin, Vice President of Retail Analytics, Charles Schwab

Sponsor Benefits

  • Access to a skilled, dedicated team: Teams of five to six UC Davis MSBA students combine their academic and work experience, backgrounds and strengths to tackle your business challenge.
  • Tap into our faculty expertise: Each strategic team is mentored closely by a faculty adviser with executive leadership and management consulting experience to assist with identifying a meaningful business challenge to develop custom, actionable recommendations.
  • Build strong business partnerships: Sponsoring a project further links our students and the business community, giving them greater exposure and opportunity to work corporate managers.

“When the students started their practicum project at California Pacific Medical Center, they had little knowledge of cancer metastasis and human genetics.  After a few months, and due to their strong desire to learn and their intelligence, they rapidly mastered the concepts of pathogenic mutation, change in amino-acid, variant allele frequency, etc.  What was wonderful is that this experience was reciprocal, I am now aware that “python” can be something else than a big snake…”.

- Pierre Y. Desprez, Senior Scientist, Cancer Biologist, CPMC, San Francisco

Sponsor Responsibilities

  • Engagement: A key element to the success of an MSBA strategic project is a corporate sponsor’s commitment to the process. The sponsor point person has regular contact with the student team, typically on a weekly basis.
  • Key meetings: The executive sponsor, project lead and other significant stakeholders should attend three key meetings during the project engagement: the Project Launch, the Interim Discussion and the Final Presentation.
  • Qualifying donation: Sponsors are requested to make a $15,000 tax-deductible gift to support the MSBA practicum project curriculum, which also gives them membership into the Graduate School of Management’s Business Partnership Program. As a Business Partner, your contribution supports the School’s mission to provide an exceptional student experience.