Food & Wine Leadership Club

Food is a nexus of many different subjects, from physics and chemistry to history and culture. Our club will host events that touch on all of these.

In addition to exposing students to current events and players in the food industry.

We will also work to showcase some of the excellent work going on at other UC Davis departments such as the Robert Mondavi Institute and expose students to opportunities here at Davis and beyond. There will also be snacks…

Some past events include:

● Tastings–of wine, ice cream, bourbon,
● Trifecta Summit on Upcycled Wine Grape Pomace
● Apple picking at local Cider Mill

Possible events/topics for this year:

● Tour of the Robert Mondavi Center
● Tour of the Meatlab at UC Davis
● Visit to AgStart startup incubator in Woodland, CA
● Regenerative Agriculture
● Food Waste and Upcycling
● Farm/Producer Visits
● Wine Tasting
● Cooking Classes
● Feasts and BBQ’s for networking and fun!

Headshot of Zak

Zachary Wardle

Zak grew up in a small town in New England. His love of food and especially eating drove him to learn to cook for himself and his friends. He studied environmental science and is passionate about sustainability and conservation in our food system. He spent the last decade working as a chef in the Bay Area, specializing in butchery and cured and smoked meats and sausages. He hopes to work in the field of impact investing and venture capital in the sustainable food/agriculture space.