Yingyu (Sara) Zhu MSBA 24

From my undergraduate experience at UC Davis, I have a strong belief in the faculty's ability to deliver an excellent education and stay aligned with the evolving industry trends.

Additionally, the program's location in San Francisco provides access to abundant resources and a robust alumni network. As they say, 'Once an Aggie, always an Aggie!'

Student Leadership and Experience

  • Graduate Student Analyst, UC Davis Graduate School of Management MSBA
  • Student Assistant, Student Accounting, UC Davis
  • Treasure, Davis Financial Analyst Society, UC Davis

Previous Education

  • Bachelors of Science, Managerial Economics, UC Davis

Previous Work Experience

  • Payroll Administrator, Opportunities for All, City and County of San Francisco 

Fun Facts

  • I am a mother of two guinea pigs named Coco and Butter.
  • I enjoy cooking and am interested in learning how to bake as well.
  • I enjoy going on hikes and taking walks around the city.