Qin Qin IMBA

"While at the GSM, I enjoyed being out of my comfort zone and becoming more independent, proactive and confident.”
Professional Experience
- Manager of data team in a Magic Circle Law Firm in Shanghai.
- Consultant in Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in London.
Student Leadership and Experience
- Teaching assistant, East China Normal University.
- Organizer, on-line education program for charity.
- MBA charity expedition guide.
Previous Degree and University Attended
- International exchange student at UC Davis GSM.
- Master of Business Administration (International), The University of Hong Kong (HKU).
Fun Facts
- I have visited many museums and galleries in E.U., U.S. and China.
- I enjoy helping students, and enjoyed my time as a student assistant.
- One day, I want to be a creative entrepreneur with a keen business sense.
Note: This profile was originally created in 2019.