Professor Hemant Bhargava Honored for Dedication to Information Systems
INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) President's Service Award

UC Davis Graduate School of Management Distinguished Professor Hemant Bhargava, director of the UC Davis Center for Analytics and Technology in Society, has been recognized with a 2023 INFORMS Information Systems Society President's Service Award.
Bhargava accepted the award at the Conference on Information Systems and Technology in Phoenix on October 14.
This annual award honors information systems (IS) academics who have exhibited extraordinary dedication in serving the IS community over time. The Information Systems Society (ISS) supports the intellectual interests of information systems scholars who are members of INFORMS.
Awardees are deeply involved with ISS-related organization activities, administrative roles, and leadership positions that benefit the growth and impact of the IS field, the engagement of IS professionals, and broader impact to the IS and business community, according to INFORMS.
The ISS President’s Service Award also recognizes IS academics who support the IS community across the globe and have a positive impact on underrepresented parts of the IS community.
"I'm very grateful and honored to receive this recognition of my service to INFORMS and the Information Systems Society. This is a community which has given me an incredible amount—an intellectual home, inspirational ideas, academic colleagues and collaborators, deep friendships and much more," Bhargava said.
"I'm delighted that I've been to give a little back as well to the community at large and to younger and newer members," he added.
"Together, I hope we can continue doing some of the most impactful and important business school scholarship, and keep addressing the huge opportunities and challenges that technological change brings to business and society."
At UC Davis, Bhargava holds the Suran Chair in Technology Management and he was a co-founder and founding director of the UC Davis Master of Science in Business Analytics program. His most recent research focuses on the use of analytics and technology in society, especially health care, media and entertainment, and platform businesses.
As an INFORMS member, Bhargava is a leader. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems Society, and Department Editor (Information Systems) for INFORMS’ flagship journal Management Science.
He has served as president of INFORMS' eBusiness section, co-chair and board member of the Biannual Conference of INFORMS Computing Society, and co-founder of the Theory in Economics of Information Systems (TEIS) Conference. He is also the recipient of several best paper awards from INFORMS, including the INFORMS Journal on Computing "Test of Time" award for his 2007 paper on search engines.