GSM Rainy Day Fund

Request Funding

The GSM Rainy Day Fund was established by the graduating class of 2017 as part of their class gift. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to students of any GSM graduate degree program who experience an unexpected hardship that affects their ability to pay their educational expenses, including tuition/fees, books/supplies and/or transportation.

The funds are NOT a loan, but it is hoped that students who benefit from the fund will make donations in the future when their own financial situation has improved.

Students who are currently enrolled and in good academic standing may apply for the award.

  • Students apply by completing the rainy day request form, including a description of the unexpected hardship and how they will specifically use the funds. 
  • Students with an unexpected hardship and resulting financial need may request up to $500 per academic year. Examples of financial need may include, but are not limited to, being diagnosed with a major illness, losing a job, losing a place to live, being at risk of being dropped from classes because you have no financial aid remaining, car repairs, having no money for food, short-term childcare assistance, and being unable to pay rent or other monthly expenses that affect your ability to stay in school.
  • All confidential requests are sent to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for review and recommendation. Final approval rests with the Dean of the GSM or his/her designee.
  • Students will be informed of the outcome. If approved, funds will be credited to the student’s account through the financial aid payment process. If the student’s account balance is $0, the funds will be refunded to them.
  • Review time for a request is typically three to five business days. If approved, payment and refunds typically take one to two weeks, depending on the central Financial Aid Office and Student Accounting timelines.