Pro Tips for Perfecting Your MBA Application

Q&A with Alex Svensson, UC Davis MBA/MM Director of Recruitment and Admissions

Alex Svensson, director of MBA and Master of Management (MM) recruitment and admissions at UC Davis Graduate School of Management, is passionate about empowering students to achieve their professional and academic goals.

With a background in business administration and counseling, Svensson has been involved in student affairs and admissions, helping prospective students navigate the complexities of the application process since she joined the Graduate School of Management as the admissions director for the Sacramento Part-Time MBA program in 2020.

In this Q&A, Svensson shares insights into her role, her journey into higher education admissions, and what prospective students can expect from the UC Davis MBA and MM programs.

1. Can you share your academic background and what inspired you to pursue a career in higher education admissions?

Finding my passion after undergrad took some time, which I believe is common for many students after graduation. While working as a certification coordinator at a market research software company, I realized the part of the job I enjoyed most was interacting with students at local community colleges.

I loved the energy and passion of the students I connected with and knew I wanted to make that a bigger part of my career.

This desire led me to research master’s programs, and I eventually pursued an M.S. in counseling, focusing on student affairs and college counseling at California State University, Fresno.

I knew I had found the right path when I took my first introductory class. After graduation, I moved to Sacramento and started working as an advisor for undergraduate admissions at UC Davis.

In 2020, I transitioned to graduate admissions at the Graduate School of Management. This role has given me the opportunity to develop deeper relationships with students, where I can celebrate their academic and professional accomplishments well beyond the admissions process.

group of MM students with GSM staff
Alex Svensson (front row, third from left) with UC Davis staff and MBA students, welcoming the inaugural Master of Management cohort.

2. Can you share more about diversity within our STEM-designated MBA and MM programs?

The UC Davis Master of Business Administration and Master of Management programs are home to a diverse student population, and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds. 

In 2023, over 40% of students in our in-person MBA programs are women. Our Part-Time MBA includes 26% underrepresented students, and our Full-Time MBA features a diverse global cohort.

We attract students from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds, creating opportunities for networking and peer learning. Additionally, students have the chance to expand their global business perspectives through networking and study abroad opportunities via our International Exchange Program.

3. What distinctions about the MBA and Master of Management programs are you most excited to highlight to prospective students considering UC Davis?

There are so many things to love about our MBA and MM programs! Here are the top distinctions I encourage prospective students to explore:

4. Can you describe your team’s role in helping prospective MBA and MM students as they consider applying to various programs?

Our team’s primary goal is to guide and provide feedback to students who are exploring or applying to MBA and MM programs. We showcase UC Davis programs and connect prospective students with key resources, including current students, faculty, financial aid, and the veterans center, to address all their inquiries. Our goal is to give students the knowledge and confidence they need to select the program that best meets their professional and academic goals.

5. What advice would you like to offer applicants to the UC Davis MBA and Master of Management programs?

  • Connect with the admissions team for guidance.
  • Apply early. We offer various events and consultations to help you navigate the application process.

    There are many steps to take in preparation for the start of your program, and applying early ensures you have ample time to complete them without added stress. Early applicants are also typically more prepared and confident when classes begin. Plus, special networking events are available exclusively for those who are admitted and enrolled early.
  • Read through the application carefully. While this may seem obvious, forgetting to upload a required document or incorrectly answering the essay questions can significantly impact your application review and final admissions decision.

We encourage all applicants to thoroughly review the application and talk to our admissions team about questions prior to submitting their application. The application is your first introduction to members of the admissions committee, so make sure to put your best foot forward by following all the instructions.

6. What key qualities does the admissions committee look for in applicants?

We are looking for you! We want to know who you are and how you will contribute to our community and culture at the GSM.

Holistic Approach

At UC Davis we evaluate your academic potential, professional promise and personal qualities. Each application is reviewed holistically, meaning that we are looking at all your application materials during the admissions process.

Professional Experience

For the MBA program, we also consider your professional experience. Competitive candidates who have been admitted to our MBA programs tend to have five to seven years of full-time work experience after completing their undergraduate degree.

The Master of Management program is geared toward recent graduates or early career professionals and competitive candidates typically have one year of full-time work experience or strong internship experience. Be sure to highlight internships, volunteer efforts and any work experience you do have.

Quantitative Skills

Our programs are STEM-designated, so we look for strong quantitative skills in your previous coursework, test scores or work experience as part of our evaluation process. Applicants who believe their GMAT/GRE score might add value to their overall application are encouraged to include their scores with the application. Submitting a test score gives the admission committee an additional data point for application evaluation.

7. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time outside the Graduate School of Management?

I am an avid antique collector and tea drinker. I also enjoy traveling, home renovations, and kayaking!